Lectures (selection)
(* = invited)
19.06.2025 |
Leipzig, Siegfried Morenz Gedächnis Vorlesung |
02.12.2024 |
Adventevent Freundeskreis Ägyptologie Mainz: Neue und geplante Projekte der Mainzer Ägyptologie* |
22.11.2024 |
Luxor Autumn School, Upper Egypt through the Eyes of Archaeologists and Historians (Ta´ziz Science Cooperations 2023-2025): Exploring archives, magazines and newly accessible areas: New perspectives on (New Kingdom) temple economy in Western Thebes* (online) |
09.11.2024 |
North East Ancient Egypt Society, Newcastle: Deir el-Medina Study Day* (with M. Müller, Leiden) |
25.10.2024 |
MRGK-Workshop JGU Mainz, Urban Difference - Strange(rs) in the City - Kickoff- and Networking Meeting: Input presentation Egyptology - How to study strange(rs) in a city of ancient Egypt?* |
27.05.2024 |
Egyptology Seminar Series 2024, University of São Paulo and Laboratório do Antigo Oriente Próximon (online): The Development of Text Types at Deir el-Medina Or First Insights Why Different Qenhirkhopshefs Wrote Different Texts* |
21.05.2024 |
Temple Economy Workshop III, Copenhagen: Digging in Archives, Magazines and newly accessible Areas: |
12.04.2024 |
Binsenweisheiten V. Ausprägungen, Entwicklungen und Interdepenzen im hieroglyphisch-hieratischen Schriftsystem, Mainz: Qnj-Hr-xpS=f (iv) Drafting Graffiti? A Limestone Block from the Valley of the Kings as a Draft for Graffiti at the Village du Col? |
06.09.2023 |
Danish Near Eastern Society, Copenhagen: The “Petit Puits” from Deir el-Medina? First Results of the New Investigation in the Tomb of Ipuy* |
10.08.2023 |
XIIIth International Congress of Egyptologists (ICE), Leiden: ResearchSpace(s) – the new online Infrastructures of Amara-West and Deir el-Medina (with M. Lehmann) |
26.01.2023 |
Qurna, German House: Current Research in Deir el-Medina: Setting up the ResearchSpace Deir el-Medina exemplified on TT 217 |
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02.01.2023 |
Berlin, Digital Classist Seminar: ResearchSpace(s) – die neuen Online-Infrastrukturen von Amara-West und Deir el-Medine (with M. Lehmann) [online] |
05.12.2022 |
University of Copenhagen, Centre for Textile Research, Saxo Institute, International Workshop on Current Research in Textile Archaeology along the Nile - Second Edition: Laundry at Deir el-Medina: Another Look at the Laundrylists and the Laundrymen from the Community of Workers |
05.11.2022 |
Chicago, ARCE Chapter: 1001+ Fragments. News from the Tomb of the Sculptor Ipuy (TT 217) [online] * |
03.11.2022 |
Copenhagen, The Danish Egyptological Society: News from the Tomb of the Sculptor Ipuy (TT 217) - A Special Insight into a Late Bronze Age Family's Microcosmos at Deir el-Medina * |
29.10.2022 |
Thames Valley Ancient Egypt Society, UK: News from the Tomb of the Sculptor Ipuy (TT 217). A Special Insight into a Late Bronze Age Family’s Microcosms at Deir el-Medina [online] * |
19.10.2022 |
University of Pisa, Symposium “Clay Figurines in Context: Miniatures as Crucibles of Nile Valley Societies in the Second Millennium BC (Egypt and Nubia)”: Mud Made for Eternity: Two Life-Size Muna-Statues from TT 217 (with M. Landrino) [online] |
08.07.2022 |
JMU Würzburg, 53. Ständige Ägyptologenkonferenz: ResearchSpace(s) – die neuen Online-Infrastrukturen von Amara-West und Deir el-Medine (with M. Lehmann) |
10./11.06.2022 |
HU Berlin, AKNOA, Berliner Arbeitskreis Junge Aegyptologie (BAJA) 12, “Aktuelle Forschungen zur Ramessidenzeit“: A ‘new’ Praise of a City from the Ramesside Period: A Genre between Centres and Provinces [online] * |
07./08.06.2022 |
Paris, Sorbonne, Conference “Women and Diplomacy in the Late Bronze Age Egypt and Ancient Near East”: Non-royal Women and Diplomacy in Ramesside Egypt * |
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06.05.2022 |
Vienna, Austrian Archaeological Institute and Academy of Science, Conference “‘In the Time(s) of My Father and of My Father’s Father’ … Genealogy and Prosopography as Sources for Historical Chronology”: Genealogy and Prosopography in Ramesside Deir el-Medina. Towards a Methodology for the Community of Workers and its Impact on Historical Chronology |
25.04.2022 |
Mainz, Freundeskreis Ägyptologie an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz e.V.: 1001+ Wandfragment: Neuigkeiten aus TT 217, dem Grab des Reliefbildhauers Ipuy * |
21.04.2022 |
Universität Basel, Kunsthistorisches Forum: Ein Überblick zum Einsatz digitaler Techniken und Methoden am Beispiel der Grabungsprojekte des Fachbereichs Ägyptologie in Ägypten (with S. Bickel) * |
19.11.2021 |
Neuchâtel, 4. Swiss Day for Papyrologists: Progress Report Crossing Boundaries with a Focus on the Digital Methods and Tools (with S. Unter) * |
04.11.2021 |
Ägyptologie-Forum Zurich: TT 217 – Neues aus dem Grab des Reliefbildhauers Ipuy im Kontext Deir el-Medines * |
22.10.2021 |
Basel, Übung "3D-Modellierung von Kunstobjekten: Praxis und Forschung" (Kunstgeschichte Basel, M. Schwarz): Der Einsatz digitaler Techniken (Fokus 3D Modellierung) in der Ägyptologie und Archäologie (with S. Unter) * |
14.06.2021 |
Theologisches Seminar der Universität Basel: Ein ägyptologischer Blick auf Äthiopien [online] * |
06.–08.05.2021 |
HU Berlin, Expert for intern. Workshop BAJA 11 „Diskurs: Akteure – Gegenstand – Beziehungen“ (with S. Seidlmayer, J. Helmboldt-Doje, S. Schweitzer, R. Birk) [online] * |
06.05.2021 |
BAJA 11, key note speaker: Zwei Holzkisten aus TT 217 im historischen und aktuellen Diskurs [online] * |
25.03.2021 |
Ägyptologie-Freunde Zurich: Der Beginn des Neuen Reiches aus archäologischer und philologischer Perspektive [online] * |
12.11.2020 |
Forum der Freunde des Ägyptologischen Instituts der Universität Heidelberg: TT 217 – Das Grab des Reliefbildhauers Ipuy im Kontext Deir el-Medines [online] * |
02.10.2020 |
Neuchâtel, 3. Swiss Day for Papyrologists: Progress Report Crossing Boundaries * |
30.09.2020 |
Vorlesung "Einführung in die Religionsgeschichte und religiöse Zeitgeschichte" (Prof. J. Mohn): Recht und Religion im antiken Ägypten * |
10./11.09.2020 |
Lausanne, ”Virtual Research Environments and Ancient Manuscripts”: Crossing Boundaries between Humanities and Informatics in the Case of Egyptian Papyri (with E. Hertel, S. Unter and A. Loprieno) [online] * |
14.05.2020 |
Uppsala University: Ancient Lives – Modern Approaches – New Perspectives: Past, Present and Future Research on Deir el-Medina as a Unique Case Study for Social History in the Late Bronze Age [online] * |
09.03.2020 |
Ann Arbor, University of Michigan: Ancient Lives – Modern Approaches – New Perspectives: Deir el-Medina as a Unique Case Study for Social History in the Late Bronze Age * |
09.12.2019 |
Mainz, Binsenweisheiten IV. Hieratisch des Neuen Reiches: “Akteure, Formen und Funktionen”: Understanding Complex Scribal Practices based on the Ramesside Hieratic Papyri from the Museo Egizio (with S. Polis, S. Töpfer, S. Unter) * |
20.11.2019 |
Sydney, Macquarie University: The Application of Research on Ancient Egyptian Language/s, Scripts and further Aspects, exemplified on Letters as a Means of Communication in Ancient Egypt [online] * |
15.11.2019 |
Zurich, 2. Swiss Day for Papyrologists: Crossing Boundaries. Understanding Complex Scribal Practices in Ancient Egypt * |
08.11.2019 |
Cairo, XIIth International Congress of Egyptologists (ICE): Deir el-Medina in the Ramesside Period: 250 Years of Changes and Developments |
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01.11.2019 |
The American University of Cairo, “Women in Ancient Egypt – Current Research and Historical Trends”: The Women of Deir el-Medina in the Ramesside Period: Current State of Research and Future Perspectives * |
30.11.2018 |
Geneva, Swiss Egyptological Doctoral Course “Zentrum und Peripherie”: A ‘new’ Praise of a City: A Genre between Centres and Provinces |
08.10.2018 |
Turin International Workshop, Museo Egizio ”Deir el-Medina through the Kaleidoscope”: Homes through Time: The Inhabitants of Deir el-Medina and their Houses Revisited |
09.11.2017 |
Ägyptologie-Forum Zurich: Who’s who at and around Deir el-Medina: Neue Einblicke in die Community of Workmen und ihres Versorgungspersonals * |
18.05.2017 |
Basler Forum für Ägyptologie: Who’s who at and around Deir el-Medina: Eine diachrone Betrachtung der Arbeitersiedlung und ihres Versorgungspersonals * |
25.04.2017 |
The University of Oxford, Faculty for Oriental Studies, Lecture Series in Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Egyptology: Who’s who at and around Deir el-Medina: New Insights about the Community of Workmen and its Service Personnel * |
23.02.2017 |
Basel, 1. Swiss Day for Papyrologists: project presentation of the international project Setting a New Standard for European Heritage Collections: The Turin Papyri Online Platform TPOP * |
02.11.2016 |
HU Berlin, AKNOA, Ägyptologie: Who’s who at and around Deir el-Medina: Die Arbeitersiedlung und ihr Versorgungspersonal * |
09.06.2016 |
Munich, Collegium Aegyptium: Who’s who around Deir el-Medina. Das Versorgungspersonal für die Arbeitersiedlung und das Tal der Könige * |
28.11.2015 |
Delémont, Swiss Egyptological Doctoral Course “Ancient Egyptian Networks”: The Service Personnel of Deir el-Medina. A Network for the Community of Workmen? |
13.11.2015 |
12. Meeting of technical group “Barrierefreie Museen und Inklusion des Bundesverbandes Museumspädagogik e. V. (BVMP) All Included: Inklusive Bildungsprojekte für Jugendliche im Museum“: All Included: eine Projektvorstellung (with M. Horncastle) * |
21.10.2015 |
Ägyptologie – Work in Progress, Basel: Who’s who around Deir el-Medina. A Summary |
27.10.2014 |
Liège, Conference “Deir el-Medina and the Theban Necropolis in Contact”: Could I stay or could I go? Relations between the Deir el-Medina Community and their Service Personnel |
16.06.2014 |
Leiden, ERASMUS staff mobility, Supply and Suppliers: With the Service Personnel through Deir el-Medina in the 19th Dynasty |
14.12.2013 |
Leiden, Conference „Decoding Signs of Identity”: The Service Personnel of Deir el-Medina. Methods of Identification * |
13.11.2013 |
Cologne, Doktorandenforum Studienstiftung: Who is who around Deir el-Medina oder ein Blick hinter die “Kulissen” während der Nutzungsphase des Tals der Könige |
08.11.2012 |
Munich, MZAW-Seminar, H.-J. Gehrke: Who is who around Deir el-Medina – Zeitrechnung und Zeitauffassung in Deir el-Medine und dem Neuen Reich |
08.05.2012 |
Munich, MZAW-Seminar, J. Bremmer: The “deified” Pharaoh. An Overview of the Development of the Egyptian Kingdom and the “Divine Status” |
24.03.2012 |
Basel, Ägyptologisches Doktorierenden- und Forschungskolloquium, „Neuere Forschung zu Deir el-Medina”: „Die, die für euch tragen sollen“: Einige Überlegungen zur Versorgungsmannschaft und den Ordnungskräften von Deir el-Medine * |
22.11.2011 |
Munich, MZAW-Seminar, J. Bremmer: Religious Authority in Ancient Egypt (especially NK) |
30.06.2011 |
Munich, Collegium Aegyptium „Das bisschen Haushalt macht sich nicht allein…“: Die Versorgungsmannschaft und die Ordnungskräfte von Deir el-Medine * |
13.05.2011 |
Munich, Colloquium PhD-programme (PAW): Prosopographische Unter-suchungen zu den smd.t n bnr |
04.12.2010 |
Munich, MAJA 1, "Sozialisationen: Individuum – Gruppe – Gesellschaft":„MnTw-ms, der „Muster-mDAj“? Ein prominenter Titelträger im Vergleich mit der Berufsgruppe der Medja von Deir el-Medine |