List of academic courses / lecturing

Unless stated otherwise, all syllabi and teaching materials were developed independently as an individual instructor.

Egyptology, Institute for Ancient Studies, FB 07, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz


Since Summer term 2024 the full list of courses is accessible via Archiv Lehrveranstaltungspläne (seit 2010) | IAW - Studiengang Ägyptologie/Altorientalistik



Egyptology, Ancient Cultures, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen
Spring term 2023

Ancient Egyptian Culture A (BA modul graduate studies)

Ancient Egyptian Documents and History (MA modul, advanced studies)

The History of Science (BA modul, advanced graduate studies, with lecturers from Near Eastern Archaeology and Assyriology)

A Comparative Introduction to Ancient Cultures (BA modul graduate studies, with lecturers of Assyriology, Near Eastern Archaeology and American Indian Studies)

Middle Egyptian Reading Class/Hieroglyphs 3 (BA modul, advanced graduate studies, with R. Olsen)

Autumn term 2022

Middle Egyptian Introduction, Part 2 (BA modul graduate studies)

Middle Egyptian Reading Class "The Story of Sinuhe and Papyrus Westcar" (BA modul graduate studies)


Egyptology, Department for Ancient Civilisations, University of Basel

Autumn term 2021

Seminar: „In Champollion’s Footsteps. 200 Years of Egyptology through Portraits of Famous Researchers“ (advanced studies: BA, MA, PhD)

Spring term 2021

Virtual excursion: The Amarna Period in the Neue Museum Berlin and Further Museums” (advanced studies: BA, MA, PhD), via Zoom

Autumn term 2020

Middle Egyptian Reading Class: Texts from the Beginning of the New Kingdom (Biography of Ahmose in El-Kab, Kamose stelae, and related texts (BA-Modul graduate studies), via Zoom

Spring term 2020

Seminar: „Egyptian Obelisks in Context. From the Old Kingdom to Modern Times” (advanced studies: BA, MA, PhD), 70% via Zoom

Autumn term 2019

Research term without teaching obligation

Spring term 2019

Late Egyptian and Hieratic Introduction and Reading Class II: Administrative Texts and Letters” (advanced studies: BA, MA, PhD)

Autumn term 2018

Late Egyptian and Hieratic Introduction and Reading Class I: Introduction into Late Egyptian and Hieratic Based on the Tale of the Two Brothers and Other Literary Texts” (advanced studies: BA, MA, PhD)


Excursion: Tour de Suisse – Egyptian Collections in Switzerland” (with S. Bickel and L. Bohnenkämper)

The Tour de Suisse excursion group at the Bibliotheca Bodmeriana. © S. Bickel

Spring term 2018

Middle Egyptian Reading Class: The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor and the Prophecy of Neferti” (BA-Modul graduate studies)

Autumn term 2017

Seminar: Objects and History of the Egyptian Collections of the Museums of the US-East Coast” (advanced studies: BA, MA, PhD)


Excursion: New York, Philadelphia, Yale, Boston” (main organisation; with L. Bohnenkämper and S. Bickel)

The USA excursion group in New York. © B. Frei

Spring term 2017

Middle Egyptian Reading Class: Selected Literary Texts” (BA-Modul graduate studies)

Autumn term 2016

Proseminar: „The Settlement of Workmen Deir el-Medina“ (BA-Modul basic studies Ancient Civilisations)

Spring term 2016

Proseminar: „The New Kingdom. An Overview“ (BA-Modul basic studies Ancient Civilisations)


Excursion with a tutorial to the Egyptian museums in Bonn and Mannheim with focus „Museology/Concepts of Exhibitions“ (with S. Bickel, A. Dorn, G. Pieke, L. Bohnenkämper)

Autumn term 2015

Proseminar: Introduction into Egyptology. The World of the Pharaohs“ (BA-Modul basic studies Ancient Civilisations)

Partial takeover of language seminar „Late Egyptian I and Hieratic“ for M. Müller (BA-Modul graduate studies)


Excursion with tutorial „The Museo Egizio in Turin“ (with S. Bickel)

Spring term 2015

Proseminar: „The Old Kingdom. An Overview“ (BA-Modul basic studies Ancient Civilisations)


Assistance at excursion „Minor Arts” in the Kestner-Museum in Hannover“ (with S. Bickel and C. Loeben)


Institute for Egyptology and Coptology, LMU Munich

Winter term 2014/15

Egyptian and Hieratic Tutorial (administrative texts, forms and documents) (advanced studies: BA, MA, PhD)

Oct 2014–Feb 2015

Introduction into Middle Egyptian and Reading Hieroglyphs for members of the Collegium Aegyptium Munich

Summer term 2014

Egyptian and Hieratic Tutorial (incl. Hieratic Crash Course)

Winter term 2013/14

Training Field Archaeology in Egypt (with M. Flossmann-Schütze) (BA-Modul basic studies Egyptology)

Winter term 2012/13

Training Field Archaeology in Egypt (with J. Sigl, DAI Cairo) (BA-Modul basic studies Egyptology)


Institute for Archaeology and Cultural History of Northern Africa (AKNOA), HU Berlin

Feb 2022

Seminar: „New Research on the Ramesside Period” (Section TT 217) (invited by A. Verbovsek), via Zoom

Winter term 2020/21

Proseminar: Introduction into Egyptian Archaeology” (BA beginners), via Zoom

May 2020

Seminar: Objects in its Context” (Section Deir el-Medina) (invited by A. Verbovsek, BA, MA), via Zoom


Egyptology, Université de Liège

Feb 2020

Introduction into Hieratic: “Identifying hieratic Fragments in the Museo Egizio Turin. The Case CP045 - the Teaching of Amenemope” (advanced studies: BA, MA) (with S. Polis and M. Müller)


Egyptology, Middle East & Israel Studies, Tel Aviv University


BA seminar, The “Petit Puits” from Deir el-Medina? New Results of the Investigation in the Tomb of Ipuy*

March 2022

BA seminar: Burial and Society in Ancient Egypt(BA modul), 1001+ Fragments: News from the Tomb of the Sculptor Ipuy (TT 217), (invited by D. Sweeney), via Zoom


Egyptology, University of Uppsala

Dec 2022

AMENN Teacher Mobility Exchange #1, Copenhagen EGY does Uppsala, University of Uppsala, Course Archaeology of Egypt, co-teaching with Angus Graham, class 8 “Gender and Archaeology”

March 2022

MA and PhD Higher Education Seminar: „1001+ Fragments: News from the Tomb of the Sculptor Ipuy (TT 217)” (invited by A. Dorn), via Zoom


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