List of academic courses / lecturing
Unless stated otherwise, all syllabi and teaching materials were developed independently as an individual instructor.
Egyptology, Institute for Ancient Studies, FB 07, Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz |
Since Summer term 2024 | the full list of courses is accessible via Archiv Lehrveranstaltungspläne (seit 2010) | IAW - Studiengang Ägyptologie/Altorientalistik |
Egyptology, Ancient Cultures, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen |
Spring term 2023 |
Ancient Egyptian Culture A (BA modul graduate studies) Ancient Egyptian Documents and History (MA modul, advanced studies) The History of Science (BA modul, advanced graduate studies, with lecturers from Near Eastern Archaeology and Assyriology) A Comparative Introduction to Ancient Cultures (BA modul graduate studies, with lecturers of Assyriology, Near Eastern Archaeology and American Indian Studies) Middle Egyptian Reading Class/Hieroglyphs 3 (BA modul, advanced graduate studies, with R. Olsen) |
Autumn term 2022 |
Middle Egyptian Introduction, Part 2 (BA modul graduate studies) Middle Egyptian Reading Class "The Story of Sinuhe and Papyrus Westcar" (BA modul graduate studies) |
Egyptology, Department for Ancient Civilisations, University of Basel |
Autumn term 2021 |
Seminar: „In Champollion’s Footsteps. 200 Years of Egyptology through Portraits of Famous Researchers“ (advanced studies: BA, MA, PhD) |
Spring term 2021 |
Virtual excursion: „The Amarna Period in the Neue Museum Berlin and Further Museums” (advanced studies: BA, MA, PhD), via Zoom |
Autumn term 2020 |
Middle Egyptian Reading Class: „Texts from the Beginning of the New Kingdom” (Biography of Ahmose in El-Kab, Kamose stelae, and related texts (BA-Modul graduate studies), via Zoom |
Spring term 2020 |
Seminar: „Egyptian Obelisks in Context. From the Old Kingdom to Modern Times” (advanced studies: BA, MA, PhD), 70% via Zoom |
Autumn term 2019 |
Research term without teaching obligation |
Spring term 2019 |
Late Egyptian and Hieratic Introduction and Reading Class II: „Administrative Texts and Letters” (advanced studies: BA, MA, PhD) |
Autumn term 2018 |
Late Egyptian and Hieratic Introduction and Reading Class I: „Introduction into Late Egyptian and Hieratic Based on the Tale of the Two Brothers and Other Literary Texts” (advanced studies: BA, MA, PhD) |
18.–20.10.2018 |
Excursion: „Tour de Suisse – Egyptian Collections in Switzerland” (with S. Bickel and L. Bohnenkämper) |
Spring term 2018 |
Middle Egyptian Reading Class: „The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor and the Prophecy of Neferti” (BA-Modul graduate studies) |
Autumn term 2017 |
Seminar: „Objects and History of the Egyptian Collections of the Museums of the US-East Coast” (advanced studies: BA, MA, PhD) |
04.–13.09.2017 |
Excursion: „New York, Philadelphia, Yale, Boston” (main organisation; with L. Bohnenkämper and S. Bickel) |
Spring term 2017 |
Middle Egyptian Reading Class: „Selected Literary Texts” (BA-Modul graduate studies) |
Autumn term 2016 |
Proseminar: „The Settlement of Workmen Deir el-Medina“ (BA-Modul basic studies Ancient Civilisations) |
Spring term 2016 |
Proseminar: „The New Kingdom. An Overview“ (BA-Modul basic studies Ancient Civilisations) |
21.–22.04.2016 |
Excursion with a tutorial to the Egyptian museums in Bonn and Mannheim with focus „Museology/Concepts of Exhibitions“ (with S. Bickel, A. Dorn, G. Pieke, L. Bohnenkämper) |
Autumn term 2015 |
Proseminar: „Introduction into Egyptology. The World of the Pharaohs“ (BA-Modul basic studies Ancient Civilisations) Partial takeover of language seminar „Late Egyptian I and Hieratic“ for M. Müller (BA-Modul graduate studies) |
15.–17.10.2015 |
Excursion with tutorial „The Museo Egizio in Turin“ (with S. Bickel) |
Spring term 2015 |
Proseminar: „The Old Kingdom. An Overview“ (BA-Modul basic studies Ancient Civilisations) |
10.–12.04.2015 |
Assistance at excursion „Minor Arts” in the Kestner-Museum in Hannover“ (with S. Bickel and C. Loeben) |
Institute for Egyptology and Coptology, LMU Munich |
Winter term 2014/15 |
Egyptian and Hieratic Tutorial (administrative texts, forms and documents) (advanced studies: BA, MA, PhD) |
Oct 2014–Feb 2015 |
Introduction into Middle Egyptian and Reading Hieroglyphs for members of the Collegium Aegyptium Munich |
Summer term 2014 |
Egyptian and Hieratic Tutorial (incl. Hieratic Crash Course) |
Winter term 2013/14 |
Training Field Archaeology in Egypt (with M. Flossmann-Schütze) (BA-Modul basic studies Egyptology) |
Winter term 2012/13 |
Training Field Archaeology in Egypt (with J. Sigl, DAI Cairo) (BA-Modul basic studies Egyptology) |
Institute for Archaeology and Cultural History of Northern Africa (AKNOA), HU Berlin |
Feb 2022 |
Seminar: „New Research on the Ramesside Period” (Section TT 217) (invited by A. Verbovsek), via Zoom |
Winter term 2020/21 |
Proseminar: „Introduction into Egyptian Archaeology” (BA beginners), via Zoom |
May 2020 |
Seminar: „Objects in its Context” (Section Deir el-Medina) (invited by A. Verbovsek, BA, MA), via Zoom |
Egyptology, Université de Liège |
Feb 2020 |
Introduction into Hieratic: “Identifying hieratic Fragments in the Museo Egizio Turin. The Case CP045 - the Teaching of Amenemope” (advanced studies: BA, MA) (with S. Polis and M. Müller) |
Egyptology, Middle East & Israel Studies, Tel Aviv University |
18.12.2024 |
BA seminar, The “Petit Puits” from Deir el-Medina? New Results of the Investigation in the Tomb of Ipuy* |
March 2022 |
BA seminar: “Burial and Society in Ancient Egypt” (BA modul), 1001+ Fragments: News from the Tomb of the Sculptor Ipuy (TT 217), (invited by D. Sweeney), via Zoom |
Egyptology, University of Uppsala |
Dec 2022 |
AMENN Teacher Mobility Exchange #1, Copenhagen EGY does Uppsala, University of Uppsala, Course Archaeology of Egypt, co-teaching with Angus Graham, class 8 “Gender and Archaeology” |
March 2022 |
MA and PhD Higher Education Seminar: „1001+ Fragments: News from the Tomb of the Sculptor Ipuy (TT 217)” (invited by A. Dorn), via Zoom |