
Public events

Organization and collaboration for public events / outreach

diss:kurs, University of Basel (2022)
© C. Flierl
Uni-Einblicke, University of Basel (2019)
© Universität Basel
Guided Tour to the exhibition "Scanning Sethos. Die Wiedergeburt eines Pharaonengrabes" at the Antikenmuseum Basel (2018)
© Universität Basel

(* = invited)


Organisation of scientific events in the German House, Qurna (since 2024, in cooperation with the DAIK)


Virtual AUC Press Book Discussion of Women in Ancient Egypt: Revisiting Power, Agency, and Autonomy with Book Editor Mariam Ayad, in Conversation with Contributors Anne Austin, Kathrin Gabler, Susan Kelly


Presentation at diss:kurs 2022, Universität Basel: Crossing Boundaries – Modern Approaches to an Ancient Egyptian Papyrus Puzzle (with S. Unter),

Spring 2020

Co-production of and contributor to three videoclips: Crossing Boundaries in Homeoffice, Videoclips – Crossing Boundaries (


Uni-Einblicke Basel: Der Fachbereich Ägyptologie* (with S. Bickel)


AlumniBasel, Ehemaligenvereinigung der Universität Basel: Informational lecture for the study trip 2020 «Pharao Sethos I. – Ein Blick in die Lebenswelten seiner Zeit» (with S. Bickel)


Information Day for Future Students, University of Basel: Wozu die altägyptische Kultur erforschen?


Maintenance and web design of social media and web pages for the Egyptological Section, University of Basel


Organization of Open and Information Days for Egyptology


Organizational Board for the 555th Night of the University of Basel: within Egyptology and the Department for Ancient Civilizations (development and design of the interactive game “Die Schlüssel zur Weisheit” and a Science-Slam)

Autumn 2011

Academic advisor, interviewee, and researcher on a companion book for the Arte/ZDF TV production “Die Bernsteinstraße: Handelswege zwischen Ostsee und Nil,” Terra X series


Freelance support staff at the State Museum of Egyptian Art Munich: open days (long night of museums, architecture, history, etc.), holiday programs for children (all ages), various workshops and special exhibitions

K. Gabler at the State Museum of Egyptian Art in Munich. © J. Padberg


Maintenance and web design of web and Facebook pages for MAJA/BAJA


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